+60 85 655 665

Environmental, Occupational, Health & Safety Policy

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Environmental Policy

The Managing Director and Management of Seaocean Diving & Marine Services Sdn. Bhd. recognize that its services could have an impact on the environment through its work related to onshore and offshore operations and is committed to minimizing that impact by pursuing the best environmental practice whenever and wherever practical.

The Company will therefore:-

  1. Set objectives and, wherever possible, quantitative targets to demonstrate continual improvement in environmental performance and prevention of pollution.
  2. Communicate these objectives, through either the policy or a separate document, to both employees and interested parties.
  3. Review the objectives and the Environmental Policy every 2 years.
  4. Provide training or circulate information to our employees in order that they understand the Policy and objectives and can work efficiently with minimum harm to the environment.
  5. Ensure all subcontractors operate in line with the principles of our Environmental Policy.
  6. Meet all legislative requirements and, wherever possible, go beyond these requirements.
  7. Co-operate and communicate openly with our Clients and all other interested parties towards the shared goal of improving the environment.

In line with these principles, the Company has established the following objectives:-

  1. To reduce wasting energy at source.
  2. To review existing services to minimise the potential for environmental impact.
  3. To segregate waste during manufacture and maintenance processes more effectively and use safe storage and disposal techniques.
  4. Reduce atmospheric pollution by incomplete combustion from badly maintained equipment through the implementation of a planned maintenance system.
  5. To review the selection of lubricants and chemicals used in offshore services to minimize the impact on marine life.

Drug & Alcohol Policy

Seaocean Diving & Marine Services Sdn. Bhd. believes that the irresponsible use of alcohol or prohibited drugs has the potential to impact on the worksite and;

  1. Cause death or injury to personnel
  2. Cause damage or loss of assets
  3. Compromise the effectiveness of the safe working culture and safety management.

For these reasons, people being under the influence of drugs and alcohol in the workplace will not be tolerated.
All employees and others associated with worksite activities (e.g. sub-contractors and visitors) are prohibited from being in possession of, or under the influence of, alcohol or drugs at worksites.

Company personnel found in possession of, or under the influence of, alcohol or drugs at any worksite will face disciplinary action, which may include instant dismissal.

All Management and supervision shall ensure that this policy, together with any procedures implemented in support of this policy from time to time, are properly explained and adhered to by visitors, sub-contractors and subordinates.

Management reserves the right to search personnel baggage at the worksite at any time in the search for drugs and alcohol, or, conduct drug and alcohol testing of any employee involved in an offshore accident or incident, and conduct random testing of employees as required by Client or Regulatory requirements in the various Company’s area of operations.

It is a requirement for all employees to present for work in a fit state, ready, willing and able to perform their duties as directed. Anyone who is not able to provide their full competence could endanger the worksite and those associated with the worksite.

Any employee who feel that they may have a problem related to drugs and / or alcohol, are encouraged to seek assistance from one of the many counseling groups available.

Occupational, Safety & Health Policy

Seaocean Diving & Marine Services Sdn. Bhd. values the safety and health of all people involved with its activities. The Company is committed to achieving the highest standard of safety and health performance.

The Managing Director maintains that no operation is so important that it has a higher priority than the safety and health of employees.

Management will work together with supervisors and employees to ensure compliance with all relevant occupational safety and health legislation and best safe practices in the marine and diving industry.

Safety and Health at work is both an individual and shared responsibility of all employees. All levels of management and employees shall undertake their responsibilities to ensure the successful implementation of this Occupational Safety and Health Policy:

Senior Management and Manager’s Responsibilities

  1. To provide and maintain a Safe and Healthy working environment in which employees’ exposure to risks and hazards are minimized to a level ‘As Low as Reasonably Practicable’.
  2. To provide ways for employees to be informed and involved in workplace safety and health.
  3. To ensure compliance with occupational safety and health legislation.

Line Management, Superintendent’s And Supervisor’s Responsibilities

  1. To supervise employees to ensure safety and health procedures and instructions are followed.
  2. To ensure employees receive; a HSE induction prior to project start-up, emergency and rescue training prior to commencement of offshore tasks, training briefs prior to operation of systems or equipment.
  3. To ensure employees receive Safety Precautions by toolbox talks and close supervision at work.
  4. To provide the initiative and follow-up actions to maintain this policy within their own sections.
  5. To ensure that proper safe planning is provided at the work site after risk assessments.
  6. To account for the safety and health of employees and working conditions under their control.

Employee’s Responsibilities

  1. To ensure his/her own safety, as well as the safety of his/her co-workers.
  2. To follow safety and health instructions and the use of personal protective equipment provided by the employer for his/her own safety and health.
  3. To report workplace accidents, incidents and hazards to his/her supervisor promptly.
  4. To participate in resolving safety and health issues at his/her workplace.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Policy

It is Seaocean Diving & Marine Services Sdn. Bhd. policy to ensure personnel are protected from hazards in the workplace by the wearing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) where necessary in addition to the use of other measures.

The company will ensure that the following are in place:

  1. Provide PPE for use by employees, visitors and delivery personnel where necessary.
  2. Provide proper selection, training on its use, mean of maintenance and storage on PPE.
  3. Designated PPE Areas :
    • Personnel working in the open yard area are to wear head, foot and eye protection at all times.
    • Only visitors and delivery person making brief trips or passing through the open yard area are excused from foot protection i.e only head and eye protection will be required.
    • Personnel working in the covered workshop area need not wear head protection but shall wear foot and eye protection at all time.
    • Personnel working in the clean room, containers, chambers and bells need not wear head protection but will be required to wear foot protection at all time. In addition, eye protection shall be worn whenever there are hot work, chiselling, chipping, drilling, painting and chemical handling activities.
  4. Designated Non-PPE Areas :
    • The ground floor storage in the main workshop between office buildings up to the procurement office will be a non – PPE area where head, foot and eye protection need not be worn, unless working on equipment in this area.
    • All store and office areas in the premises are designated non-PPE areas.
  5. All drilling, grinding, chiselling and welding operations shall be barricaded with protective screens to prevent injury to others.
  6. To carry out PPE Induction for all visitors, suppliers and subcontractors for signing-off making them aware of their obligations to adhere to this PPE Policy.
  7. All personnel in the premises are to observe all safety warnings, signs, rules and policy.

Quality Policy

Seaocean Diving & Marine Services Sdn Bhd provides our Clients with Underwater Non-Destructive Testing, Underwater Inspection, Underwater Construction, Underwater Maintenance and associated support services. We utilise Saturation Diving System, Air Diving System, Supervisory and Support Personnel that comply in all respects with requirements contained in their specifications, codes and Industry regulations.

We will continually work with our Clients, Industry Regulators, Organisations, Sub-contractors, Suppliers and workforce to improve the quality and delivery of Seaocean Diving & Marine Services Sdn Bhd products and services.

The Company seeks to achieve these objectives by working to audited procedures whilst maintaining an effective and efficient Quality Management System that meets the standard defined in ISO9001:2001.

It is the responsibility of every manager and employee to ensure that quality procedures are developed, followed, regularly reviewed and continually improved.

As Managing Director of Seaocean Diving & Marine Services Sdn Bhd, I am personally committed to continual improvement, and assume overall responsibility for the implementation and improvement of the Quality Management System.